What is Animal Communication?

Dog Psychic Energy Healer

Animals speak and understand their world and ours through pictures, much like movies. They relate and respond to each other using visual images in what would seem to us like telepathy. In an attempt to communicate with us, they send us visual messages about what they are feeling or thinking, much like a television transmits images over the airways. Different animals use different frequencies or channels, but they all use images to communicate.

To effectively communicate with out pets we need to learn to receive and interpret their transmissions and send visual images back to them. TO some people, this seems daunting, but it’s actually rather simple. To communicate with a pet, craft what you want to “say” and put it in visual form.

For instance, when I want to tell my pets I am going away for 3 days and 2 nights and they will be cared for by a house/pet sitter, I send them visual images of me walking out the door and the pet sitter arriving and taking them on walks and feeding them. I communicate the length of time I will be away by showing them suns (for day) and moon (for nights). So if I’m leaving on a Friday afternoon, I’d send them images of me walking out the door in the daylight and the pet sitter walking in. Then I’ll send images of a moon (Friday night), a sun (Saturday morning), a moon (Saturday night), and a sun (Sunday morning), then an image of the pet sitter walking out and me walking back in the door on Sunday with a moon.

How do you send images? Imagine the image in your mind’s eye and then look at your pet or intend your pet to see it. Trust that you communicated and they received it. Honestly, It’s that simple.

Because they are bonded to us, our pets are also able to sense emotions and physical illness. They know when we are anxious and come closer to support us. They can be trained to alert us to an oncoming seizure, calm us during a panic attack, or carry in our groceries. Their sense of smell is extraordinary, so they can even be trained to smell cancer or other illnesses (see this Revisionist History podcast by Malcom Gladwell for a taste). All of this can be accomplished with simple behavioral methods, and has been for decades.

When we add communicating with visual images, we are able to communicate much more effectively supporting all of us in leading long, healthy, playful lives.

How is animal communication different than an intuitive reading?

During intuitive readings, I am communicating with them through visual images and frequency. I am also communicating with the dog in your house and their higher self or soul. The higher self can help us understand why they are doing what they are doing, what the karmic lessons are, and what they’ve experienced prior to coming to live with you. Knowing these things helps us to help them release trauma and anxiety and live a more easeful life.

For instance, if a pet was abandoned or lost by a human to which they were deeply bonded, when they are adopted by a new human they may have separation anxiety or refuse to bond for a period of time. If we know why these things are happening, we can use Energy Body Alignment®, flower essences, or other energy healing modalities to help release the trauma and hence the behavior that resulted from it.

Improvement in the behavior and wellness of our pets are just a couple of the benefits of intuitive readings and animal communication. At times, pets may be experiencing the beginnings of health issues that only show up much later in examinations. Early intervention through intuitive readings and animal communication may allow us to prevent more serious illness from developing.

Supporting chronically ill pets is another area where communication is helpful. As I discuss in this video, animals have a different way of moving through chronic illness and death than humans. By communicating with them, we can learn how they want to be supported through their illness, when they are ready to transition, and how they want to transition (naturally, euthanasia, alone, or with their human).

When we serve them with as much care and respect as they serve us, miracles happen.

Thanks for reading!

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