What is Energy Body Alignment?

Cat Psychic Energy Healing

Our bodies hold the blueprint of our most evolved self as well as our stuck patterns and belief systems. The patterns and blueprints are in the muscles, fascia, and bones as well as in the energetic pathways—the neuropathways, meridians, chakras and nadis.

Energy Body Alignment as an energetic healing modality came through me after a car accident in 2004. Like Reiki, it is a way to access the a range of vibrational healing energy of the Universe. I spent several years attuning to the range of frequencies and types of healing that are now able to flow through my body. I work primarily in the frequency of love where Sanat Kumara, The Ancient of Days, is my partner in this work.

I sense blocks, knots, and overstimulation in the physical tissue, central nervous system, and energetic pathways and allow healing energy to move through me to heal you and/or your pet. The frequency of this energy unwinds triggers, trauma, and and unhelpful behavioral and thinking patterns. It can also heal physical and emotional wounds.

Your higher Self/soul and/or guides and those of your pet direct me where to work and the frequency of healing energy to channel. The body then aligns with the higher Self/soul by releasing and rewiring the body’s sacred geometries and neuropathways. Old beliefs and behaviors are released and new ones are integrated into all sheaths of the body.

As with Reiki or any other healing modality, individuals and pets get the best results when coming for regular Energy Body Alignment sessions–particularly when transmuting deeply held patterns and beliefs. While I make recommendations, it’s best to follow your own guidance about when to start, stop and time between sessions.

Energy Body Alignment is as effective at a distance (via phone or Zoom) as in person, allowing this form of healing to be available to people and pets all over the world.

Outcomes Clients Have Experienced with Energy Body Alignment

  • Physical and emotional pain relief.

  • Decreased feelings of anxiety and fear.

  • Clarity regarding life situations and next steps.

  • Capacity to think differently and more creatively.

  • Sense of peace, calm, and trust in the flow of life.

  • More choice in decision making (rather than habitual response).

  • Increased comfort with and ability to navigate uncertainty and transitions,

Thanks for reading!

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